

30+ mother of two, fiance of one; who loves to spend her free time reading m/m romance and the occasional paranormal romance or horror books.

Fairytales Slashed 3 - Megan Derr, A.R. Jarvis, Remington Ward, Mara Ismine 4.5 stars rounded up to 5 because the good stories in this were just that good. :)

Rasnake - 5 stars (my favorite of them all)
Pretty - 2.5--3 stars. Started off good, but I didn't really like the last of it. The hero who changes also seemed to change his attitude (and not for the better).
He Shall Go To The Ball - 2.5-3 stars. Cute, but the just sort of ended. I would of liked to have seen what happened next.
Greenwood - 4 stars
Moth to the Flame - 4.5 stars. (this had some funny moments that were an unexpected bonus...the ninja's were awesome!)